rar files), and when I try to link SD 3's library path to the folder, it won't recognize it. The opened folder contains a SL-Superior Dummer 3 folder that I assume should be the library, but contains less than 5 gb's of obw data (from 34+ gigs of. rar files, and get the same message each time, but with different file parts. Once unarchiver gets to work, I'll get a message saying "There was a problem while reading the contents of the '": The archive file is incomplete", and I'll end up with a Toontrack SD 3 Folder that seems incomplete. No password for the archive is mentioned on the sister site, and it seems no matter what I type in, Unarchiver will continue the processs.

Curiously, when I attempt to unpack them w/Unarchiver, I get a message saying 'please provide password to open. I downloaded the core library from the sister site, which amounts to 34. I assumed I needed to download the Base SD 3 library to get things running, which leads me to my current problem(s). However, when I set the library path in Superior Drummer 3 to that folder, it says there is 'no sound library at that path'. In the download folder for the program there is a 'contents' folder, which contains, among other things, a 'sound database' folder. However, I can't use the software for anything practical, because it doesn't have a sound library. Opens in my DAW and standalone fine, can navigate to different settings, etc. I recently installed a copy of Superior Drummer 3 (from the sister site), and it seems to run fine on my Mac M1. Hi Guys! This is my first post on this forum so please bear with me